Leather Value Chain Competitiveness Progress - June 2024 Report - National Competitiveness Commission

Leather Value Chain Competitiveness Progress – June 2024 Report

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The Commission continued to follow up on progress towards implementation of recommendations proposed in the Leather Value Chain Competitiveness Report, which was published in May2023. This report is a follow up to the sector’s first progress update that was published in December 2023.

During the 2024 first half, the sector prioritised establishment of a lasts and soles manufacturing plant and improving leather & leather products quality through trainings of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), among others.

This is in line with the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1) thrust on the need to improve the performance of the sector through value addition.

To obtain comprehensive information, please click on the provided link below.

Leather Value Chain Competitiveness Progress Report – June 2024

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